Thursday, June 22, 2006

WMG Was Fine

I have no idea why I had to go to the WMG. Before the meeting started the main issue was conceded, and within 5 minutes so was the secondary issue. I got the feeling that I was only there to resolve an issue between the folks on the management side. Were they feuding over internal politics and needed someone to test it out? Was one of them simply intransigent?

From my perspective it was simply a total waste of time. I could have been doing other things. It's not as though either issue was a $$$ factor for the college as I had room in my workload assignment anyway. So much of this is farcical. I should not have had to refer this to the WMG anyway.

Technically I am on holidays, but as usual there is not enough time allotted to do what needs to be done re curriculum/course development. The technology demands are significant by themselves, but when you also have new editions of texts and new topics and standard updates and also have three less weeks than usual to do the work .... well everyone can figure that one out. I probably should just leave the courses incomplete. I just can't do that. For example ... only today did I get the updated teaching materials for one of my courses from the text publisher. But I was supposed to have finished all the course updates yesterday. Hmmmmm. Grrrrrrrrr. Such is life. But these are the kinds of things that our management fails to take into consideration.

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